early bird

a person who rises at an early hour.
a person who arrives before others, as for the purpose of gaining some advantage:
The early birds got the best seats for the play.
(initial capital letters) Aerospace. the first of the Intelsat series of communications satellites, orbited (1965) by Intelsat.
Examples from the web for early bird
  • The early bird gets the worm-and may avoid skin cancer.
  • The days of the early bird catching the worm have returned.
  • early bird specials are featured throughout the week, and the restaurant also has a happy hour with half-priced drinks at the bar.
  • It also holds special discount days and early bird specials.
  • Neither show requires tickets, but the early bird catches the camera.
  • Special meal deals are available for early bird and lunch diners.
  • Dine in the early evening for a three-course early bird dinner special and bring the kids because they get their own menu here.
  • Discounted early bird specials are offered each day and helmets are supplied.
  • Receive an early bird discount when ordering by mail before a predetermined date set by the organizers.
  • There is a saying that the early bird gets the worm.
British Dictionary definitions for early bird

early bird

(informal) a person who rises early or arrives in good time

Early Bird

one of a number of communications satellites, the first of which was launched in 1965 into a stationary orbit and provided telephone channels between Europe and the US See also Intelsat
Slang definitions & phrases for early bird

early bird


: an early-bird session/ early-bird radio program

noun phrase
  1. A person who habitually gets up early in the morning; one who greets the dawn • Based on the proverb ''The early bird catches the worm,'' attested fr the 1670s
  2. A person who arrives early at a gathering, the office, etc
  3. The first train, bus, airplane, etc, of the day (1883+)